How To Declutter: 8 Small Steps

In our most recent blog, we discussed the different types of decluttering. The first listed, and the one you often think of right away is the physical stuff. The stuff in your home, ultimately the main reason you would hire someone like me.

To help, I’ve put together, my top 8 tips on how to declutter your space when you are first starting off.

  1. START SMALL - Work on one area at a time - it could be as small as your junk drawer. Once you see the results and how good it feels, you will be motivated to do another project.

  2. ONE AREA AT A TIME - Don’t try to tackle an entire house in a day. Plan a day to tackle the closet, then a day to tackle the kitchen.

  3. BE READY TO DONATE - Make sure you have boxes and bags to fill with items to donate. Having the supplies you need will ensure a successful purge.

  4. SCHEDULE IT IN - Just like an important meeting or work event, schedule decluttering into your calendar and stick to the time. Don’t plan too much at first, start with an hour, two hours and build from there.

  5. DRIVE IT - Put them in your car as soon as you are done and take them to your charity right away. The sooner you get it out of your house, the less chance it will build up and create more clutter.

  6. LESS IS MORE - You’ve probably heard this saying before but what does that mean? It means less stuff means more time for you, more time for your kids, more time for fun, more space in your home, more efficient, and more simple.

  7. EVALUATE THE SPACE -Look at your space and evaluate how much stuff you need and want. How much stuff is in storage that is never used or seen?

  8. FUNCTION - How much do you really need to function? Do you need 5 spatulas if you never bake? Do you use that bread maker you got as a wedding gift? What things do you do in your home and what do you need to do those things? Then get rid of the rest.

Wanna learn more? Contact me here, or follow along on Instagram!


How Clutter Can Affect Your Life